Getting Involved

ESSI/MiPR Lab Sport Science Research Opportunities

Thank you for your interested in exercise and sport science research.  We are happy that you sought out the ESSI/MiPR Lab.

We are not accepting inquiries at this time.  We have met our need for student researchers for this fall term 2023.

Please continue to check back for information for future positions/opportunities.

Thank you for your interest!




Michigan Sports Analytics

Extracurricular Opportunities

Extracurricular Opportunity with Athletics

Students are paired with a varsity athletic team, attend practices and games, and analyze team data to develop insights related to performance optimization and injury prevention. If you are interested, please contact ESSI for more information and submit a completed copy of this form.

Independent Study

Students work with a varsity athletic team and a faculty advisor, taking an in-depth look at athlete data to develop questions and answers related to performance optimization and injury prevention. Students create research posters and present their findings at a symposium. If you are interested, please contact ESSI for more information and submit a completed copy of this form.


Students participate in a competition, in which they are provided with deidentified varsity athletic data and have several hours to develop insights and address team challenges. Contact the Michigan Sports Analytics Society for more information.

Michigan Sports Analytics Society

The Michigan Sports Analytics Society (MSAS) is a student-run organization that focuses on statistics and analysis of sports data.

A Day in the Life of a Student Sport Analyst

“On Mondays, I head to Schembechler Hall around 12 p.m. Practice doesn’t start until after 1:30, but I get there early to set up Catapult and meet with the strength and conditioning coaches to discuss the practice format and share my ideas about Catapult. During practice, I monitor player activity and provide comprehensible athlete data to the staff and players. Seeing the data in real time focuses the team. Since we are currently in pre-season, the training schedule is denser than in-season so I usually monitor practice until 7 or 8 p.m. There is typically downtime for me to analyze data, work on personal projects, make charts for coaches, or develop new ideas to share with staff.”


— Mark Mamon, Graduate Student, Kinesiology


Student Research Opportunities