An Augmented Reality System for Inclusive Recreational Sports

An Augmented Reality System for Inclusive Recreational Sports

A PROJECTION-BASED AUGMENTED REALITY SYSTEM FOR INCLUSIVE RECREATIONAL SPORTS AND PERFORMANCE TRACKING Team: Roland Graf (Stamps School of Art and Design), Sun Young Park (Stamps School of Art and Design and School of Information), and Hun Seok Kim (CoE) Summary: To...
Wearable-based Sensing to Promote the Elderly’s Mobility

Wearable-based Sensing to Promote the Elderly’s Mobility

WEARABLE-BASED PHYSIOLOGICAL SENSING TO PROMOTE THE ELDERLY’S MOBILITY Team: SangHyun Lee (CoE) and Philippa Clarke (School of Public Health and ISR) Summary: Researchers aim to develop and test a wearable-based physiological and collective sensing framework that...
Real-time Biometric Feedback for Athletes & Coaches

Real-time Biometric Feedback for Athletes & Coaches

SIMULTANEOUS, REAL-TIME BIOMETRIC FEEDBACK FOR ATHLETES IN MOTION AND THEIR COACHES Team: L. Jay Guo (CoE and LSA), Mike Bottom (Athletics) Summary: Researchers aim to develop wearable, programmable, waterproof devices and systems that accurately sense and...
Aggregating and Analyzing Exercise and Physical Data

Aggregating and Analyzing Exercise and Physical Data

END-USER TECHNIQUES FOR AGGREGATING AND ANALYZING EXERCISE AND PHYSICAL DATA Team: Steve Oney (School of Information and CoE), Michael Nebeling (School of Information and CoE), and Sun Young Park (Stamps School of Art and Design and School of Information) Summary:...